Vertical gardening. What you need to know!

Make your home greener, even without less space. Want to know how? Read on!

To urban home owners, gardening may sound like a luxury due to lack of horizontal space/gardens. We today have less space horizontally and more vertically. So for all those who are low on horizontal space, vertical garden is the answer to your worries! The term “vertical farming”, coined by Gilbert Ellis Bailey in 1915 and is suited for people who stay in urban areas.

The type of vertical garden you could have depends on a lot of factors such as area, sunlight, the type of plant required, cost etc. Below are the types of vertical gardens:

Green Wall Garden
Pocket vertical gardens
Tiered Gardens
Trellis Gardens

Caring for vertical gardens is not as easy when compared to your normal horizontal gardens.  You need to ensure that you buy quality seeds for your vertical garden as this requires more care. Quality seeds will ensure quality plants, or else your vertical garden might die out soon.
Keep the following conditions in mind before you start growing your vertical garden:
1) Water- A vertical garden indoor requires more care in terms of watering the plants as the natural source of water is absent. Ensure you water the plants on time and also ensure that the excess water is drained out from the pots by using trays  
2) Soil- Soil can be a tricky requirement in a vertical garden. Ensure that your top soil is of a great quality which would include essential elements of vermicompost, peat moss, sand and organic matter. These elements are required for a healthy plant to grow.
3) Light – Chose the location which has a good amount of natural light for the vertical garden to grow. Without a good natural light, your plant may not grow for long, unless you are growing plants with minimum sunlight requirement. If natural light is not available in an area where gardening is required, you can use artificial light.

Having all these factors in mind you are ready to start your own vertical garden- Indoor or outdoor. You can add some beautiful flowers and make your indoor or outdoor garden a pure bliss. Buy flowers online in case of lack of time and see your neighbours envy your vertical garden!
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