3 Soils That Will Work Wonders for Your Garden

3 Soils That Will Work Wonders for Your Garden
Gardening is always a combination of putting the best products into use; using the best methods and making sure the best results are yielded. Like everywhere else, there is no shortcut in gardening as well. You need to work hard and sweat it out to get that best garden. But that sweat too tastes sweet once you actually start getting results.

But to get results, it is very important that you have the right tools accessories, soils & fertilizers and the seeds and bulbs, you follow the right practices, etc. Here we highlight the best soils to be used in the garden which will boost healthy growth for your plants.

1. Potting Soil/Magic Soil – This is a one of a kind soil. It has been made with a combination of soil with a lot of other stuff like many other gels and so much more. This potting soil needs to be used while potting the seed or the flower bulb. 

This helps in making the soil much more useful for the plant. This soil has the capacity to hold water 20 times more than normal soil and releases it as and when required by the plant. This ensures that the plants receive water at all times. It is an excellent seed starter.

2. Bonsai Soil - This soil is imported specially from China and Japan. It is a special soil dedicated to grow the most difficult and beautiful Bonsai. This potting soil needs to be used while potting the seed or the flower bulb.

The biggest advantages of this soil are the use of peat moss, water holding material which increases the water holding capacity, nutrients which ensure the healthy growth of the Bonsai and high drainage.

3. Soilrite - Soilrite is basically an inorganic mixture which helps in the healthy growth of your plant. Containing material like Irish peat moss, vermiculture and so much more, it has various advantages like improves aeration and drainage, retains moisture, clean light and easy to handle, nutrient rich and much more.

This helps in making the soil much more useful for the plant. This soil has the capacity to hold water 20 times more than normal soil and releases it as and when required by the plants. This ensures that the plants receive water at all times. It is an excellent seed starter. 

Buy the best quality flower bulbs and flower seeds online in India and make your garden beautiful as ever.

Planting Guide for Amaryllis Lilies

Lilies are one of the most well known and beautiful flowers in the world, much appreciated by one and all. You now have a chance to grow and actually have these beautiful flowers in your own garden. All you need to do is follow these basic steps and enjoy the beauty of these lilies in your own garden.

The first and foremost step here is procuring the right quality bulbs for the lilies. You need to ensure that the bulbs procured are fresh and not remains of the previous season. This can severely impact the growth of the plants in the days to come.

The next step is planting these bulbs. While planting these bulbs, especially if you are planting them in pots, make sure you plant them at least 3-4 inches deep inside the soil. Also, while planting the bulbs make sure that the soil is used is appropriate. Soil and fertilizer products are extremely critical for the plant’s growth. Using magic soil is a great idea. It is basically prepared by mixing soil with high quality gels and so much more which helps soil increase its absorption capacity by 20  times.

This increased absorption capacity of the soil helps it absorb water in a higher quantity and releases it only when the plants need it which in turn helps in healthy growth of the plants.
Apart from this, there is so much more that is in store for the plants. The next thing that needs to be done is taking care that the plants get the optimum growing conditions for growth. The best growing conditions for them as of now would be growing them in shade and avoiding direct sunlight. Also watering them regularly is another thing that needs to be kept in mind. But make sure you do not drain the bulbs in water. Excessive water can also damage the plants.
Apart from the lilies, there are lots of other flowers as well which can make a difference to your garden like the Flowering Bulbs, Football Lilies, Maranta Bulbs and so many more. 
