Growing Gladiolus the Right Way

If you are an active gardener, here’s a bit of advice on growing Gladiolus that can be of much help to you if you are planning to beautify your garden with flowers this season.

The first and foremost step is acquiring bulbs of the highest quality. To make sure your bulbs bloom, it is very important that they are of good quality. Also make sure they are thick and hard and not soggy. Thick and hard bulbs have a better chance of blooming as compared to the soggy ones.

Next is planting those bulbs. Make sure you plant them the right way with the right end inside the soil and the other one out of it. Plant the bulb three forth submerged in soil.

A great way to make sure your bulbs grow healthy and bloom well is planting them in Magic soil or Potting soil. This is a special soil which is light and absorbs huge amount of water releasing it only when the plant needs it. This helps ensure healthy growth of the plant.

As for the growing conditions, Gladiolus grows well in bright sunshine and prefers it. But partial shade will also do well for them.

Planting should also be done strategically to ensure a longer blooming season. Never plant a single bulb. It may or may not bloom. Always plant bulbs in batches of at least 4 – 5. Once you plant a batch of 4 -5 bulbs, plant one more batch after 2 weeks and repeat this after every 2 weeks at least 3 to 4 times. This ensures a longer blooming season for the flowers.

The Best Online Store for Rare Gardening Material

The Best Online Store for Rare Gardening Material
It is safe to say that you are an enclosure beau or a nature darling? Is planting your enthusiasm? Well here's something you surely ought not miss.

Gardenesia is an Online Plant Nursery store offering astonishing alternatives for all gardening. There are different remarkable things accessible on the site which will completely make you begin to look all starry eyed at it. 

Foreign made premium quality blossom knobs is the greatest fascination of the site. Bloom knobs like Tulips Daffodils Lilies along these lines a great deal more is accessible in different shades specifically transported in from Holland. They likewise give rules to planting these blossom globules.

An alternate class accessible is of intriguing plants like Adenium. Again premium quality Adeniums with rules how to keep it are accessible so they bloom at the soonest.

A significant gimmick of their item rundown is Magic Soil, additionally called as Potting Soil. It is a real fascination as there is no other contender to this extraordinarily made soil. It is fabricated utilizing foreign gels and significantly more which provides for it a solid a dependable balance as contrasted with the conventional soil utilized. 

A recently coordinated classification is of originator pots. These pots can be utilized for something like Bonsai and can be put inside signifying the style of your room.

With everything taken into account, is a treat for all arrangement sweethearts and for the individuals, who are not yet into cultivating, observe the offerings and you will really fall head over heels in love for it.

Shopping For Your Garden Was Never So Easy

For the gardening enthusiasts, preparing their own garden and watching the plants, herbs, trees grow is like watching their kids grow. Gone are the days when shopping for the flower bulbs and accessories for our gardens was a tiring process, when we had to  go shop hunting to find the best bet for our gardens. In this tech savvy world, shopping for these items is just a mouse’s click away.

Online flower bulbs and seeds shopping is a new trend in India. Gardenesia is one of a kind online Garden store for selling flower bulbs in India. A reputed firm in the gardening seeds and accessories store is Gardenesia. It is a one stop shop for the seeds of different varieties of plants. From flower bulbs, seeds to exotic plants seeds, from ornamental plant seeds to orchids, there is nothing you can’t find here. Online seed stores are much better as it is convenient for the buyers to shop sitting at home compare the prices; easily get the products of their choice without having to linger from one place to another. You can get not just the domestic seeds but also the imported good and buy seeds online, flower bulbs, accessories and so much more in this online garden store in India.

The best part about shopping online for seeds is that there is no question of us getting tired. The firm ensures that there is no delay in the delivery of the shopping materials and you get the freshest quality products. Make your garden home to the best quality and healthiest plants with bulbs, seeds soil and so much more from

Gardenesia: Flowers for the Coming Season

Gardenesia: Flowers for the Coming Season
Gardenesia is a fast growing website specializing in the sales of flower bulbs online. With quality material sourced directly from the Netherlands, the home of horticulture, this company guarantees quality at your fingertips. Coupled with their efficient delivery and after-sales services, they are quickly becoming the major player in the market.

Due to the hectic nature of modern life, people are spending lesser and lesser time in touch with nature. Gardenesia specifically looked to address this problem, and their innovative ideas about online flower sales have helped a new generation discover the joys of growing a plant.

They have diversified services, including gardening materials and bonsai plants, but flower bulbs are their specialty, and they pride themselves on the high quality and variety available at their store. They have a very good variety of winter bulbs, which are bulbs which flower specifically during winter. These bulbs are very suited to local climates, and some of them include -

All these and much more are available from the Gardenesia online store, and you can be assured that these are the best quality bulbs available. And not only flower bulbs, Gardenesia focuses on rare plants and bonsai as well.

Gardenesia also offers extensive after sales care, advising you on how to grow your plants after purchasing them and answering any and all queries you may have. Their offerings also include specialized gardening equipment, including tools and specialized Soils & Fertilizers products. If you are looking for a splash of colour in your garden during the cold months, be sure to stop in at Gardenesia.

The Revolutionary Magic Soil for Your Plants

The Revolutionary Magic Soil for Your Plants

Soil is the most crucial component needed to grow plants. No matter what environment you are growing them in, and what type of plant it is, the right type and quality of soil is essential for the growth of plants. This, however, becomes a problem, especially in urban environments, because it is tough for people to acquire both the soil and the space required to grow different types of plants.

To address this issue, a revolutionary new type of soil, magic soil, has been developed. Specifically designed to help people who grow potted plants, magic soil has all the properties required of a good soil, and can support any plant, no matter what its requirements may be.

A unique combination of its ability to store large amounts of resources and its ability to release them as and when required by the plant makes this soil the best option there is for any fledgling gardener, and also for the experts who maintain a large variety of plants.

The advantages of magic soil includes -

  • It is incredibly light, making it the soil of choice for potted plants, especially suspended pots.
  • It has the ability to store massive amounts of water, and release it as and when needed by the plant.
  • Gives roots ample air and support.
  • Excellent amounts of nutrition for budding seeds.
Roots form the foundation of any plant from where it grows. Magic Soil helps you lay the perfect foundation for a healthy plant.